Overview of a FANUC Panel Keyboard Key
Brief descriptions of each component and its purpose:
Alarm Keys: On the machine panel, which shows alarm intelligence for the machine panel, are these keys. Numerous FANUC part numbers, beginning with A06B, A20B, and A16B, are now in stock at CNCTOOLSLLC. The alarm keys associated with the control panel are different from these keys.
Auto Key: This turns the operation mode of the CNC machine (which includes the A16B, A17B, and A20B product lines) to automated. In automatic mode, a portion program that is kept in memory can be contacted and executed by an operator. On some FANUC CNC controllers, automatic mode is sometimes referred to as memory mode.
A safety feature that evaluates if the tool has departed from the predetermined limits. To identify regions that the tool may and cannot enter, forbidden zones can be programmed.

Page Keys: The MDI keypad (A20B) has up and down arrow buttons that let a user navigate between screens and fields one page at a time.
Parentheses: CNC program commands and program text are separated by curved brackets.
Part Program: A set of instructions that a CNC machine uses to carry out the required series of tasks to manufacture a particular workpiece.
POS: On the MDI keypad, a function key that presents the position screen with axis locations.
Power Off: The red switch that turns off electricity to the control on a CNC control panel.
Power On: The green power button for a CNC control on the control panel.
PRGRM: A function key on the MDI keypad that shows the current part program's blocks and program screen.
Edit Program Keys: Keys on the MDI keypad that enable a user input, edit, or remove data from memory storage.
Protect Switch Program: A switch on the machine's control panel that the operator can use to lock down the most recent program information. The program protect switch stops memory-based applications from being deleted accidentally or on purpose.
Source Keys Program: The set of keys on the operator panel that manage the operation of component programs. The three machine modes that make up the program source keys are AUTO, EDIT, and MDI.
Rapid Traverse: The movement of machine parts at their maximum potential speed. All that is needed for rapid traverse motion is an endpoint.
Position Reference: A preset point on a machine tool to which the reference position return method can quickly move the tool.
Key Reset: A key that, when pressed, pauses all machine movements, and positions the program cursor at the top of the active program on the MDI keypad.
Key Shift: A key on the MDI keypad that gives an operator access to the address keys' letters and special characters.
SINGL BLOCK Key: A key that makes the GE FANUC 0-C control's single block capability operational. Using the single block function, the program is tested one block at a time.
Soft Keys: Depending on the function key selected, the keys just below the display screen have various functions. On the display screen, each soft key's purpose is indicated in brackets.
SP Key: A key that, when manually inputting data, enables the operator to enter a space.
Spindle Jog Key: A key that may be found on the machine's control panel and spins the spindle gradually either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Spindle Keys: The section of the CNC machine control that gives the user the option to manually rotate the spindle either clockwise or counterclockwise. The spindle keys are STOP, JOG, CW and CCW (clockwise and counterclockwise, respectively).
TEACH Key: A key that modifies a CNC machine's operation mode so that tool locations achieved by manual operation can be memorized.
Limit Tool Switch: The element that stops a tool from going too far in one direction on an axis. Overtravel is identified via the tool limit switch.
Zero Return Key: Zero return, sometimes referred to as the home key, instantly returns the spindle to the machine's zero position.
Auto-Mode: The auto mode allows an operator to access and run a portion of a machine-stored program.
Graph/AUX: On the MDI keypad (A20B), there is a function key called "AUX/Graph" that displays the graphics display.
Direction/Axis Keys: The region of the machine control that allows an operator to choose a certain axis is where the axis/direction keys are positioned.
DELETE/BLOCK Key: A machine control known as the "BLOCK DELET" key gives users the choice to omit a specific set of program blocks. The operator is allowed to run two different instances of the same program thanks to a block delete.
Brackets: Punctuation marks are used to separate macro statements from instructions in CNC programs.
CAN Key: The MDI keypad has a CAN key that backspaces the cursor to eliminate the most recent character typed. Any program block that is highlighted during a block modification is also removed.
Control Panels: On a CNC machine (A02B, A16B, A17B & A20B), the Control Panel is a collection of controls that allows for the running, storing, and editing of part program commands as well as other coordinate information.
Coolant Key: The region of the CNC machine control known as the Coolant Keys allows an operator to turn the coolant manually or automatically on and off during a program cycle.
Cursor Key: The MDI keypad's up and down arrows, known as cursor keys, allow an operator to navigate through a variety of control screens and fields, modify and look up CNC programs, and move the pointer across various program or screen options.
Cycle Start: The cycle start control button is used to start a program or resume one that has already been halted.
Cycle Stop: The control button that is used to momentarily pause a program. Cycle stop, sometimes referred to as feed hold, pauses tool feed but not spindle motion.
DGNOS/PARAM: On the MDI keypad, a function key that displays the diagnostics and parameter panels.
Screen Display: The machine's primary screen, which provides the operator with urgent information.
DRY RUN key: A key that initiates the dry run capability on a CNC machine (example: . With no pieces being cut, the dry run function quickly tests a program.
EDIT Key: On a CNC machine, the key that alters the editing operation mode. A portion program can be edited in edit mode, and changes made there can be saved.
EDIT Mode: The setting that lets an operator update a portion of a program and store those changes.
Emergency Stop: The control button that shuts off all machine operations automatically is only used in emergencies.
End-Of-Block Key: A signal indicating the conclusion of a section of code. In a part program, the symbol for an end-of-block signal is a semicolon.
Execution Key: The section of the CNC machine control where a user can start or stop a component program. CYCLE START and CYCLE STOP are the execution keys.
Feed Hold: The command key for pausing an application. Feed hold, sometimes referred to as cycle stop, slows tool feed but does not halt spindle motion.
Function Key: Keys on the MDI keypad that provide the operator with the option of selecting between several jobs.
HOME Key: A key that causes the spindle to automatically shift to the machine's zero position. On certain PCs, the HOME key is occasionally referred to as the zero-return key.
Buffer Input: An area on a computer where data is temporarily stored before being sent to the CPU for processing.
Key Input: A key that allows an operator to input data into the input buffer, situated on the MDI keypad. Additionally, data from an input/output unit is input via this key.
Jog Feed: The continuous movement of a tool along a chosen axis when in JOG mode.
Jog Key: The part of the machine controls where a user can move a particular axis. Jog keys are sometimes referred to as axis direction keys.
Function Machine Key: The region of the control panel where, depending on the display or mode selected, an operator can carry out various operations. SINGL BLOCK, BLOCK DELETE, and DRY RUN are among the machine function keys.
Panel Machine: The set of controls on a CNC machine that let an operator manually control machine parts. The operator panel is occasionally used.
Machine Zero: The location situated at the maximum distance along the machine axes in a direction that is positive. For each specific CNC machine, machine zero is permanently established.
Input Data Manual Keypad: The address, numeric, and navigation keys are found on the control panel's MDI keypad.
Pulse Manual Generator: A CNC machine's circular handwheel that allows for the incremental movement of a tool along an axis. The MPG on certain devices is referred to as the "handle."
Pulse Manual Generator Key: Keys on the machine panel that let the user move the tool a little amount at a time along an axis.
MDI Key: The CNC machine key that switches the operation mode to manual data input mode. Operators can enter and run programs using manual data input while preserving saved data.
MDI Mode: A mode of operation that enables operator input and program execution without affecting stored data.
MPG Key: The buttons on the operator panel that regulate the manual pulse generator's incremental movement size.
No Key: A key that enables the insertion of numerical values into the input buffer by the operator. Use of the No Key requires the SHIFT key as well.
Numeric Key: The MDI keypad has keys that let a user insert decimal points, minus signs, and numbers into the control. The CAN key, manual JOG arrow keys, EOB key, BLOCK DELET, and the right and left cursor move keys are also located on these keys.
Register Offset: Setting for tool shape, wear, and work offset in the machine control.
OFSET: The MDI keypad has a function key that shows tool offsets and settings.
MESUR OFSET Key: A key that the operator may use to choose and configure a tool offset on the CNC machine's control panel. The offset value is calculated using the difference between the coordinate values at the current position and the command's coordinate value. By hitting the OFSET MESUR key, you may move the tool to the desired offset location if you already know the offset value.
Operation Key: The buttons on the operator panel that let you move tools around and adjust offsets.
Mode Operation Key: The CNC machine's operating mode may be changed using the AUTO, EDIT, and MDI keys.
Panel Operator: The set of controls on a CNC machine that provide manual control of machine parts by the operator. called the machine panel on occasion.
ALARM/OPR: On the MDI keypad, there is a function key that shows the alarm screen.
Start/Output Key: An operator can initiate an automated operation and output data into an input/output device by pressing a key on the MDI keypad.
Override: A part of a machine's control that during operation modifies preset variables, such speed and feed rate, by a specified percentage.
Check for Over-Travel: A safety feature that assesses if the instrument has strayed outside of its predetermined limitations. It is possible to program forbidden zones to limit the tool's access to certain regions.
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